Permanent Jobs

How to Write Your First South African Resume/CV In 2024

Putting together your first resume/CV is no easy feat, especially if you are fresh out of school. A well-organized curriculum vitae (CV) is essential whether you are a recent college grad, a student looking for part-time work, or someone switching careers.

In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to write a winning CV in South Africa, complete with examples tailored to your level of experience.

1. Start with the Basics

Contact Information:

  • Include your full name, phone number, email address, and physical address.
  • Ensure your email address is professional (e.g.,
  • Add your LinkedIn profile, if applicable.

Personal Statement:

  • Write a concise personal statement highlighting your career objectives and what you bring to the table.
  • Example: “A recent graduate with a strong work ethic and a passion for marketing, eager to apply my knowledge and creativity to contribute effectively to a dynamic team.”

2. Educational Background

No Experience:

  • List your most recent educational achievements, starting with your highest qualification.
  • Mention relevant coursework or projects that showcase your skills.
  • Example:
    • Bachelor of Arts in Economics
    • University of Cape Town, Graduated 2023
    • Relevant Courses: Microeconomics, Statistical Analysis, Research Methods, Google Online Course

Some Experience:

  • Highlight your academic achievements alongside any part-time or internship experiences.
  • Emphasize how your coursework is applicable to the job you’re seeking.
  • Example:
    • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    • University of Johannesburg, Graduated 2022
    • Part-time IT Support Intern, XYZ Company, 2021-2022
    • Assisted in troubleshooting technical issues and provided excellent customer service.

3. Skills and Achievements

No Experience:

  • Showcase your transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, or problem-solving.
  • Mention any relevant hobbies or personal projects.
  • Example:
    • Skills: Effective communication, time management, graphic design
    • Hobbies: Co-founder of a local charity fundraising group

Some Experience:

  • Detail both soft and technical skills, with an emphasis on accomplishments.
  • Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills in action.
  • Example:
    • Skills: Data analysis with Python, project management, social media marketing
    • Achievement: Led a team of 4 to increase social media engagement by 30% in 3 months.

4. Work Experience (if applicable)

Little to No Experience:

  • Include any volunteer work, internships, or part-time jobs.
  • Emphasize responsibilities and skills gained.
  • Example:
    • Sales Assistant
    • ABC Retail Store, 2021
    • Assisted customers, maintained the sales floor, and handled cash transactions.

Moderate Experience:

  • List relevant work experiences in reverse chronological order.
  • Focus on achievements and quantifiable results.
  • Example:
    • Marketing Coordinator
    • XYZ Marketing Agency, 2020-2023
    • Increased client website traffic by 50% through SEO optimization and content marketing strategies.

5. References

No Experience:

  • Mention available references such as professors or volunteer coordinators.
  • Seek permission from these individuals before listing them.

Some Experience:

  • Include professional references from your internship or part-time jobs.
  • Ensure your references are aware of your job search and can speak to your skills.



Creating your first CV in South Africa can be a rewarding experience, showcasing your potential to prospective employers. Tailor your CV to the job you’re applying for, and remember to proofread it thoroughly.

Using the right keywords and formatting will increase your chances of standing out to employers in 2024.

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